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Specializes in Modern and contemporary Hebrew poetry and prose. She has written about Hebrew Autobiography and life writing, feminist poetry and literature in a national context.
Researches Hebrew piyyut and poetry from the Late Antique Period until the Middle Ages, as well as prayer and the history of prayer rites.
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She acquired her higher education at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, predominantly under the supervision of Prof. Ezra Fleischer. She has written about 15 books, and over 100 articles – among these a critical edition of R. Pinḥas ha-Kohen; a collection of all known shivata-cycles for the yearly Sabbaths, in accordance with the Scriptural lectionary cycles; a number of works on Late Eastern piyyut (9th-12th centuries), among them critical editions of the works of El’azar be-rabbi Qilar (not to be identified with the Classical Qilliri), Yehuda be-rabbi Binyamin, Yehoshua bar Khalfa, Yosef ha-Levi he-Ḥaver ben Ḥalfon, and others. She has composed a voluminous three-volume work on secular Hebrew poetry in Spain, and in her book Wherefore Have We Fasted?: Megillat Ta’anit Batra and Similar Lists of Fasts she investigated the multifarious sources and complex recensions of an early list of fasts. In her research she has also dealt with the special treatment accorded to Scriptural stories in the liturgical poetry of different periods (outstanding in particular in this area is her book A Poem for Every Parasha: Torah Readings Refelected in the Piyyutim); the manner of the incorporation of midrashim into piyyut; the analysis of various linguistic phenomena in the works of the payyetanim; the tracing of early customs, primarily those connected to prayer and Scriptural reading; and with various additional topics connected to poetry and piyyut. She has been fortunate to discover in the fragments of the Cairo Genizah many important works, amongst them two previously unknown fragments of the book of Ben Sira, new poems by R. Yehuda ha-Levi and others. Currently, she is engaged with Dr. Michael Rand of the University of Cambridge in the preparation of a critical edition of the piyyutim of R. El’azar be-rabbi Qallir, as well as in the writing of an extensive book on the history of the qedustha – an early, central genre of piyyut.
Researches Hebrew verse of Late Antiquity, the Middle Ages, and the early modern era, liturgical poetry (Piyyut) as well as secular poetry.
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He teaches courses at all levels on various subjects related to this field, and serves as an advisor for B.A. students at the department of Hebrew literature. Dr. Granat also serves as the head of the Program in Jewish Studies at the Hebrew University.
Research topics: Hebrew poetry of the Spanish Moslem and Christian era, Medieval rhymed narratives, Allegory in Medieval Hebrew literature, Gender in Medieval Hebrew Literature
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, the concept of fiction in Medieval Hebrew Literature.
Iris holds a master's degree from the School of Education at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Along with her work in our department, she also serves as the admin of the department for the Hebrew Language and the Program of Yiddish Language, Literature, and Culture.
Humanities Building, Room 5127. Office Hours: By appointment
Midrash and Aggada researcher, teaches at the Hebrew University and at Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies Holds a PhD from the Hebrew University (2009).
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Her dissertation deals with a Midrashic work from the Tanhuma-Yelamdenu Genre.