
Hebrew literature is a rich, diverse literature with a long and enduring history. In the course of our studies we encounter works from different periods: beginning with the Midrashic and Talmudic texts, through medieval poetry, and up to contemporary Israeli literature – from Judah Halevi to Yehuda Amichai, from Yanai to Yona Wallach. 


The program is based on reading works in both poetry and prose, as well as critical examination of theory and of different methods of study drawing from the fields of literature and aesthetics, as well as gender and cultural studies.

The department also includes a Special Program in Literary Writing in which writers and poets teach creative writing workshops in poetry, prose, and essay writing.


Contact Us

Department of Hebrew Literature
The Faculty of the Humanities
The Hebrew University, Mt. Scopus
Jerusalem, 9190501

E-mail: tsippyr@savion.huji.ac.il

Phone: 02-5883616

Departmental Secretary:
Ms. Tsippy Rabinovich
Humanities Building, Room 4505
Sunday 11:30-13:30
Monday-Thursday 10:00-13:00

Advisor to Undergraduate and Master's students:
Dr. Joshua Levinson